Transforming Army writing with AI assistance

Milnerva empowers soldiers in the Army to effortlessly write counselings, awards, NCOERs, and more. With our cutting-edge AI-assisted writing tools and curated resources, we make the process faster, easier, and more accurate.


Unlock Your Writing Potential with Milnerva

Crafting professional writing has never been easier. Milnerva provides curated resources and examples to help soldiers write counselings, awards, NCOERs, and more with AI assistance.

Expert Guidance
Access a wide range of curated resources and examples to enhance your writing skills.
Boost Efficiency
Save time and effort by utilizing Milnerva's AI-powered writing assistance and expertly crafted examples.
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Work Smarter

Tools to empower your military experience

Leverage AI to produce professional writing. Navigate through Army requirements with confidence and assistance.

AI Generators
Use our AI generators to create professional bullet points, achievements, citations, and more.
Powerful AI Assistant
Chat with our AI assistant to get the information you need, when you need it.
Effective NCOERs and Counselings
Create professional and impactful NCOERs and counselings with our practical examples. Milnerva streamlines the process and provides analysis with AI, helping you produce high-quality writing.
Search and Chat with Publications
Find and navigate through comprehensive military documents with ease. Chat with publications using artificial intelligence to understand crucial information without hassle.
Jacob Owens Unsplash Photo

“Milnerva has been a game-changer for me. It has made the process of writing for work so much easier and efficient. I'm definitely recommending it to all of my people.”

SSG Perez
United States Army


Unlock the Power of Milnerva

Save time, improve accuracy, and ensure consistency in Army documentation with Milnerva. Our website and mobile app provide AI assistance and curated resources and examples for writing counselings, awards, NCOERs, and more.

Save time with AI Assistance
Improve Accuracy in Army Writing
Ensure Consistency in Army Documentation
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Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our support team.

Why is it called Milnerva?
Milnerva is a combination of the words "military" and "Minerva", the Roman goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare.
Is it free?
Yes. Milnerva is free to use. We will introduce a paid plan or an in-app subscription in the future to cover the expenses of running it, but we will always have a free plan.
What do you do with my data?
Nothing. We store your data for your use only so that you can perform your administrative tasks using our software. We do not use your data for any other purpose. No sharing with third-parties, no selling, no advertising, no marketing, nothing. Your data is yours.
Does it use ChatGPT?
Yes, kind of. ChatGPT is OpenAI's name for the assistant that they have created using their GPT APIs. We use the GPT APIs directly.
Which GPT models do you use?
We use the GPT-4 API for the assistant and other more complex use cases, and the GPT-3.5-Turbo API for some of the more simple tasks such as rephrasing.
Is there a mobile app?
Coming soon. We are working on a mobile app for iOS and Android. We will launch it for iOS first, and then Android.

Boost your productivity.
Elevate your military experience today.

Jumpstart your journey of enhanced productivity, sharper knowledge, and effective task management. Make the most of your service with a tool designed just for you.